25 September 2010



after a long time i've been abandoning my blog,
here is the new entry.

still about my hari raya at home.
the first raya.
finally kiki managed to go to the cemetery.
together with us.
he seemed soooooooo understanding...
i dunno how to say it,
but that was it.

my mum said,
a few days before we went to the cemetery,
he always asked;
"mak, nak pegi kubur"
OMG my dear...do you know what the "kubur" really is?

he seemed so excited to go there to meet daddy.
upon arriving, he seemed lost since he had never gone there before.
we showed him daddy's grave.
he didn't know how to recite any prayer, so he played with the small stones around.
he put some flowers on daddy's grave.
i asked him;
"ni kubur sape dik?
and he answered;
"kubur ayah"

we went to grandpa's and abang's.
after my uncle visited his grandpa's grave, we went home.
before kiki got into the car,
he said,
"bye2 ayah, adik balik dulu."
OMG.. i felt like crying at that time.
was he too understanding or what?

after we got home,
my mother asked kiki;
"ayah mana dik?"
"ayah kat kubur"
"nape tak ikot balik?"
"ayah kat dalam.."

kiki....i love you....really2 much.:)
people change.
i change too.

10 September 2010



may this syawal bring you something.

dunno why,
this syawal brings no excitement to me.
huh. i shouldn't write this but this is what i feel.
i feel loss of something.
someone to be more precise.
i did buy the baju raya, kasut raya, made the biskut raya,
but deep in my heart, i was hoping that ramadhan will never go this quickly.
and that syawal will never come this early.
cause it will remind me of him.
this is the third year we are celebrating raya without him.

you know what,
this year, we are all wearing blue for the first raya.
that reminds me more of you since blue was our last raya outfit when you were still around.
as usual, we will go to the cemetery first to meet you, brother and grandpa .
only then we will go to the grannies' houses.
anyway daddy,
kiki, your three-year-old-naughty-and-mischievous boy,
is going to the cemetery too, well, if mama allowed him to do so.
he got so many raya outfits from his foster mother, from cik dayat and also from cik mil.

i dunno why i get upset very easily nowadays.
even in front of my friends also i cannot control my emotions.
i know that they might feel hurt but they just keep it inside.
they are kind, right daddy?
they helped me a lot to go through my days.
miss you so very badly.
no matter how i miss you, or how i want to meet you,
you are just no longer here with us.
with me.

p/s: iAMstrong. right daddy? :)

05 September 2010



why should people so busy to mind other's business?
can they mind their own?
got nothing more important to do or what?
or they think that theirs have been perfectly taken care of?
is that so people?
on any reason it may be..
a person can NEVER ruin other's life.
they got NO RIGHTS to do that.
it is strictly forbidden to do that in any religion,
do they know that?


p/s: this got nothing to do with me.

i'm home!!!!


03 September 2010



Yang selalu kita dengar, "Saya nak cari isteri yang pandai masak.."

Yang jarang kita dengar, "Saya nak cari suami yang boleh imamkan solat.."

Yang selalu kita lihat, Bakal isteri cari buku resepi nak belajar masak untuk bakal suami..

Yang kita harap dapat lihat, Bakal suami buka kitab agama nak tambah ilmu sebelum beristeri..

Yang selalu terjadi, bakal isteri rasa malu sgt kalau nasi pun tak tau nak masak

Yang kita harap terjadi, bakal suami pun rasa segan yang amat kalau Al-Fatihah pun masih merangkak2

Jika lelaki meletakkan syarat utk bakal isterinya..

Keterlaluankah jika wanita juga meletakkan syarat utk bakal suaminya??

Kepada lelaki sekalian yang sangat terhormat

Janganlah marah mahupun 'hangat'

Tulisan ini tak sedikit pun berniat jahat

Sekadar insan lemah nak sama2 membri ingat

Untuk diri sendiri dan saudara2 yang dekat

Kepada wanita pula, jangan seronok sangat

Kita pun ada tanggungjawab yg x kurang berat

Harus disemat, kena selalu ingat

Besar amanah yang kita dapat

Allah tanya pulak nanti di hari akhirat

Indah betul dunia ni

Kalau lelaki dan perempuan sama2 membaiki diri

Kalau bakal2 suami & bakal2 isteri pakat2 bersihkan hati

Kalau suami2 dan isteri2 dapat ikut segala perintah ilahi

Ganjaran besar Allah janji

Tak kira perempuan mahupun lelaki

Yang hari ke hari cuba baiki diri

Jadi muslim yang benar2 sejati

Masa tu, tak payah la lelaki letak syarat lagi

Sebab bakal isteri memang dah cantik segala segi

Wanita pun tak susah hati

Bakal suami memang menepati ciri

Aduhai bahagia hidup ni

Bila syariat Allah pakat2 dipatuhi

Hidup dunia seronok sekali

Seronok di akhirat berganda2 lagi

adapted from mynurul. :)

01 September 2010

a piece of reminder.

while reading through a book, i was attracted to a story in it; TIDURLAH BERSAMA KESYUKURAN, JANGAN TIDUR BERSAMA KESEDIHAN.
here the story goes.

dua orang sahabat karib pergi mengembara melalui sebuah padang pasir yang terbentang luas. di tengah2 perjalanan itu berlaku sedikit perbezaan pendapat yang membawa kepada pertengkaran. akibat tidak dapat mengawal perasaan dan memuncaknya kemarahan, seorang telah memukul sahabatnya.

dengan penuh rasa hiba, sahabat yang dipukul mengambil ranting kayu dan menulis di atas pasir:
"hari ini sahabat baikku telah memukulku."

mereka kemudiannya meneruskan perjalanan bersama sama. setelah lama berjalan, mereka sampai di sebuah lembah subur dengan tasik yang dingin. tanpa berlengah sahabat yang dipukul tadi terjun ke dalam tasik tersebut untuk menyejukkan tubuhnya. tiba tiba ia gagal mengawal diri da mula tenggelam ke dasar tasik.

sahabatnya terjun dan berjaya menyelamatkannya. setelah naik ke tepi tasik tersebut, ia mengucapkan terima kasih dan memahat pada seketul batu tulisan:
"hari ini sahabat baikku telah menyelamatkan nyawaku."

sahabatnya bertanya, "tadi sewaktu aku memukulmu, engkau menulis di atas pasir dan sekarang engkau memahat di atas batu?"

jawab sahabat tersebut, "aku menulis di atas pasir kerana ia akan hilang ditiup angin, aku memahat di atas batu supaya aku mengingatinya sehingga bila-bila..."

begitulah dengan kehidupan ini, ada perkara yang menyedihkan, kesakitan yang ditanggung, keperitan dan kegagalan dalam setiap penderitaan, tulislah di atas pasir, biarkan ia singgah cuma sebentar dalam ingatan agar kita boleh segera melupakannya. namun sebaliknya, apabila kita mengecap nikmat daripada Allah atau menerima kebaikan daripada orang lain maka pahatlah ia dalam hati agar kita terus kekal mengingatinya sampai bila-bila.


kebencian dan dendam yang kita bawa sehingga ke dalam tidur menjadi seperti racun yang direngguk, bisanya menyelina ke seluruh tubuh dan kemudian membunuh kebahagiaan dan kedamaian diri.


adapted from: Zul Ramli M. Razali (2009). U-Turn ke Jalan Lurus: Mutiara 4 Tidurlah Bersama Kesyukuran, Jangan Tidur Bersama Kesedihan. Selangor: Galeri Ilmu Sdn. Bhd. pp20-21.

the signs of liars.

How to Catch a Liar

1. How is the person speaking?
Although a change in voice can be the tip-off to a lie, experts say that to be sure, you should also pay attention to a person's speech rate and breathing pattern -- if either speeds up or slows down, chances are you're not hearing the whole truth.

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2. What is the person saying?

Liars tend to avoid exclusionary words like "but," "nor," "except," and "whereas," because they have trouble with complex thought processes. Liars are less likely to use the words "I," "me," and "mine." In their attempts to distance themselves psychologically from their tall tales, liars will tend to communicate using fewer personal pronouns.

3. Is his face giving it away?
You may think disguising your true feelings is easily accomplished with the help of a smile, but the expressions that flash across your face will give away what you're really thinking -- whether you know it or not. Experts advise paying close attention to the micro-expressions that a face can't hide. These clues are often so difficult to detect that even trained experts have trouble discerning them.

4. How is the person smiling?
A smile can sometimes mask a person's true feelings. Pay close attention to how a person smiles as well as other facial movements. You may be able to detect the emotions he or she is trying to hide -- such as fear, anger, and disgust. A true smile will incorporate both a person's lips and eyes.

5. Does the body language follow the story?
It's more important to examine a person's entire demeanor, as there's no one feature that's apt to give away a liar. Honesty is characterized by features that are in sync with one another -- so besides posture, note the fit between face, body, voice, and speech.

6. Is your subject behaving uncharacteristically?
Experts believe changes in a person's baseline -- how she generally conducts herself -- are worthy of your attention. You should weigh rate of speech, tone of voice, posture, and hand gestures against what you know, along with the context of the situation.

7. Is the question simple or embarrassing?
It's normal for someone to look away when asked a difficult question. But when someone avoids your gaze when asked a simple question, you should be suspicious.
hak milik kekal dan terpelihara nurfarah wahidah.