21 October 2010


It’s very interesting J Read it

Teacher: “What is your name?”.

Student:”Mera naam Suraj Prakash hai.”

Teacher:”When I ask a question in English, answer it in english.”

Student:”My name is Sunlight.

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Teacher: What happened in 1869?

Student:Gandhi ji was born.

Teacher :What happened in 1873?

Student:Gandhiji was four years old.

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Question:What is the fullform of maths.

Answer: Mentally affected teachers harassing students

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Teacher : Now children , if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him

then what virtue would I be showing ?


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Teacher :Because of Gandhiji’s hard work what do we get on 15th August.

Student:A holiday

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Teacher :Tomorrow there will be a lecture on Sun.Everyone must attend it.

Raju:No ma’m! I will not be able to attend it.

Teacher :Why?

Raju:My mother will not allow me to go so far!!!

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Teacher:”Can anyone give me an example of Coincidence? “

Johnny:”Sir, my mother and father got married on the same day same time.”

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Teacher: How old is ur father.

Sunny:As old as I am.

Teacher:How is it possible?

Sunny:He became father only after I was born. (1st Rank)

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Teacher:There is a frog,Ship is sinking,potatoes cost Rs3/kg…Then, what is my age?

STUDENT:32 yrs.

Teacher:How do you know?

STUDENT:Well, my sister is 16 yrs old and she is half mad.

taken from FB via zafidah mujir. :)


sYu's RaMLi said...

oh..the 3rd n the last one i don't undrstd....huhuhu..
but i like diz...heee

nurfarah wahidah said...


dy nk kate mt tu wt dy jd gile la syu..hikhik

yg last tu kita tak fhm gak. huu

hak milik kekal dan terpelihara nurfarah wahidah.